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Birmingham is a city and metropolitan borough in the West Midlands of Birmingham is a city and metropolitan borough in the West Midlands of Birmingham is a city and metropolitan borough in the West Midlands of Birmingham is a city and metropolitan borough in the West Midlands of England. It is the most populous British city outside the capital London, England. It is the most populous British city outside the capital London, England. It is the most populous British city outside the capital London, England. It is the most populous British city outside the capital London, with a population of 1,036,900 (2010 estimate), and lies at the heart with a population of 1,036,900 (2010 estimate), and lies at the heart with a population of 1,036,900 (2010 estimate), and lies at the heart with a population of 1,036,900 (2010 estimate), and lies at the heart of the West Midlands conurbation, the secof the West Midlands conurbation, the secof the West Midlands conurbation, the secof the West Midlands conurbation, the second most populous urban area ond most populous urban area ond most populous urban area ond most populous urban area in the United Kingdom with a population of 2,284,093 (2001 census). in the United Kingdom with a population of 2,284,093 (2001 census). in the United Kingdom with a population of 2,284,093 (2001 census). in the United Kingdom with a population of 2,284,093 (2001 census). Birmingham's metropolitan area, which includes surrounding towns to Birmingham's metropolitan area, which includes surrounding towns to Birmingham's metropolitan area, which includes surrounding towns to Birmingham's metropolitan area, which includes surrounding towns to which it is closely tied through commuting, is also the United Kingdom's which it is closely tied through commuting, is also the United Kingdom's which it is closely tied through commuting, is also the United Kingdom's which it is closely tied through commuting, is also the United Kingdom's second most populosecond most populosecond most populosecond most populous with a population of 3,683,000us with a population of 3,683,000us with a population of 3,683,000us with a population of 3,683,000 Birmingham is a city that has developed by trade.There are many Birmingham is a city that has developed by trade.There are many Birmingham is a city that has developed by trade.There are many Birmingham is a city that has developed by trade.There are many resources around Birmingham so that its industry is famous too. After resources around Birmingham so that its industry is famous too. After resources around Birmingham so that its industry is famous too. After resources around Birmingham so that its industry is famous too. After the industrial evolution,Birmingham developed quickly and turned into the industrial evolution,Birmingham developed quickly and turned into the industrial evolution,Birmingham developed quickly and turned into the industrial evolution,Birmingham developed quickly and turned into a industrial cia industrial cia industrial cia industrial city. ty. ty. ty. Do you know that Birmingham is the genesis of the industrial evolution? Do you know that Birmingham is the genesis of the industrial evolution? Do you know that Birmingham is the genesis of the industrial evolution? Do you know that Birmingham is the genesis of the industrial evolution? James James James James •••• Walt is in relation to Birmingham.In 1769,Walt invented the Walt is in relation to Birmingham.In 1769,Walt invented the Walt is in relation to Birmingham.In 1769,Walt invented the Walt is in relation to Birmingham.In 1769,Walt invented the early steam engine. In Birmingham,he improved the early steam engine. early steam engine. In Birmingham,he improved the early steam engine. early steam engine. In Birmingham,he improved the early steam engine. early steam engine. In Birmingham,he improved the early steam engine. The acent of people from is sThe acent of people from is sThe acent of people from is sThe acent of people from is similar to people from England. In fact, imilar to people from England. In fact, imilar to people from England. In fact, imilar to people from England. In fact, Birmingham people is more funny and humorous than other people in Britain.Birmingham people is more funny and humorous than other people in Britain.Birmingham people is more funny and humorous than other people in Britain.Birmingham people is more funny and humorous than other people in Britain. Traveler can visit the city by boat along the riverway of Traveler can visit the city by boat along the riverway of Traveler can visit the city by boat along the riverway of Traveler can visit the city by boat along the riverway of Birmingham.People often will give a bright *** ile to visitor.Or you will Birmingham.People often will give a bright *** ile to visitor.Or you will Birmingham.People often will give a bright *** ile to visitor.Or you will Birmingham.People often will give a bright *** ile to visitor.Or you will have chehave chehave chehave cheers with people sitting at leisure.After that, you would like ers with people sitting at leisure.After that, you would like ers with people sitting at leisure.After that, you would like ers with people sitting at leisure.After that, you would like to walk down the street quietly and appriciate the ato walk down the street quietly and appriciate the ato walk down the street quietly and appriciate the ato walk down the street quietly and appriciate the architecturerchitecturerchitecturerchitecture Cannon Hill Park(Cannon Hill Park(Cannon Hill Park(Cannon Hill Park(佳能山公园佳能山公园佳能山公园佳能山公园) is one of the premier parks in Berminham ) is one of the premier parks in Berminham ) is one of the premier parks in Berminham ) is one of the premier parks in Berminham and has been awarded Green Flag status. With beautiful flowerbeand has been awarded Green Flag status. With beautiful flowerbeand has been awarded Green Flag status. With beautiful flowerbeand has been awarded Green Flag status. With beautiful flowerbeds, lakes, ds, lakes, ds, lakes, ds, lakes, pools and a wonderful collection of trees, it's easy to see why. There's pools and a wonderful collection of trees, it's easy to see why. There's pools and a wonderful collection of trees, it's easy to see why. There's pools and a wonderful collection of trees, it's easy to see why. There's plenty of opportunity for exercise at the park's tennis courts, bowling plenty of opportunity for exercise at the park's tennis courts, bowling plenty of opportunity for exercise at the park's tennis courts, bowling plenty of opportunity for exercise at the park's tennis courts, bowling and putting greens and wildlife enthusiasts can follow the walkways and and putting greens and wildlife enthusiasts can follow the walkways and and putting greens and wildlife enthusiasts can follow the walkways and and putting greens and wildlife enthusiasts can follow the walkways and cycle routes alongside the Rcycle routes alongside the Rcycle routes alongside the Rcycle routes alongside the River Rea.iver Rea.iver Rea.iver Rea. Birmingham Football Club is historial football team. In 2011, the Club Birmingham Football Club is historial football team. In 2011, the Club Birmingham Football Club is historial football team. In 2011, the Club Birmingham Football Club is historial football team. In 2011, the Club won the English FA Cup.won the English FA Cup.won the English FA Cup.won the English FA Cup.













伯明翰(英语:Birmingham)是仅次于伦敦的英国第二大城市,在英格兰中部、伦敦至利物浦的铁路干线上。为全英主要制造业中心之一。工业部门繁多,以重工业为主。世界更大的金属加工地区,有黑色冶金、有色冶金(铜、锌、黄铜、铝、镍),机床、仪表、车厢、自行车、飞机、化学、军工等工业也很重要。汽车工业规模很大,有“英国底特律”之称。伯明翰是全世界更大最集中的工业区。 英国25%以上的出口产品是在伯明翰区域制造的,目前经济正向第三产业转移,金融业和旅游也发展相当迅速。伯明翰是现代冶金和机器制造工业的创始地,同时也是全国主要铁路、公路干线和运河网的交汇点。


伯明翰(英语:Birmingham)是美国阿拉巴马州更大的城市,也是杰斐逊县的县治所在,其中有一部分位于谢尔比县。伯明翰都会区人口为大约1,128,047(2013年),约占阿拉巴马州总人口的四分之一。伯明翰建于1871年,当时是以工业城市来建设的,有一部分参与建设伯明翰市的原住居民是英格兰裔,因此它的名字也正源自于英国主要的工业城市伯明翰。如今,伯明翰与亚特兰大、迈阿密和新奥尔良一起,都是美国东南部重要的商业金融中心。 在内战后的重建时期,以Elyton镇为首的三个由农场组成的镇合并成了现在的伯明翰市。

